Sunday, May 3, 2020
Implementing Computer and Internet Applications â⬠MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Implementing Computer and Internet Applications. Answer: Introduction: Computer is considered as a device that is used to carry out all the logical operations. In the recent scenario, computers are considered as an important part to conduct the activities in a proper manner. By using computers it can be easy to manage the work. It is seen that this is the age of computers and many people are using computers. The direct impact is seen in the daily life as well as in the social life of individuals just because of development in the science and technology sector. It is analyzed that computer technology has made the process of communication easy and everyone can communicate from any part of the world in just a few minutes (Eason, 2014). With the help of computers, online transactions are also done easily and one can easily see the transactions in one part of the world by sitting in the other part. Development of the computers in the 20th century is one of the biggest achievements. Computers are used in each and every sector like in teaching and learning. There are many computer application fields like in the field of management the computer is used. In this field, the computer is taken as a management tool that helps in solving the problems of the business. Next field is related to banking in which computers are used (McConnell, 2014). In the field of banking, the computers are used. The individuals can easily avail the ATM services with the help of computers and the service is available for 24 hours in which the cash can be withdrawn and deposited easily. When the branches are connected to the computer networks then it can be analyzed that inter-branch transactions can also take place with the help of computers without any problem. The branches of different banks are equipped with various terminals which offer an online transaction facility and help them to see the information related to current balance, deposits, and overdrafts. They can see it by sitting anywhere in the world and can transfer the amount to the other person easily. The transactions can be done easily through computers. The satisfaction level of the people can be enhanced when they use the banking services by using computers (Martins, Oliveira Popovi?, 2014). Next field is an industrial application in which computers are used. In this industry, proper planning is done which is related to production and also the activities are managed with the help of a computer. Also, computers are used in the field of engineering design where assistance is given in calculating all the parts of the design which is proposed. With the help of computers, the design can be created that can be seen from all the three dimensions (Slavin Schoech, 2017). Automobile and ship designers use the computer that helps to design the vehicle in many ways. The manufacturing units are using the computers to conduct the activities which are risky. In the field of medicine also the computers are used in which hospitals maintain the information of drugs and surgical equipment. Also, the traffic lights that help to control the traffic are regulated with the help of computers. The computers are also useful in the field of recording and film studios. The activities can be managed in a proper manner with the help of computers. The company can also achieve success if the activities of the company are managed in a proper manner. It is seen that computers have both positive and negative aspect of the daily life and also in the social life. It is also seen that gross development of the country is faster by taking into consideration the application of the computers in industries and education. There are many Positive impacts of a computer. It is seen that with the use of the computer the work can be done in less time (Richey Klein, 2014). Also, it can be easy to store the information in small space with the use of computers. With the help of computers, multi-task can be done and it can be simple to access the information. One of the positive impacts is that documents are kept secret and also error-free results are obtained. There are various negative impacts of the computer as it is highly expensive and also enhances the unemployment rate. It is also seen that in many cases a large amount of information is lost. Computers are considered as ubiquitous. As there is growth in society by taking into consideration the connection through the internet and also it is analyzed that children are using the computers in their early age (Lau Yuen, 2016). So, it is seen that computers help to enhance the lifestyle of the people and also helps to complete the task in less time (de Wolf, 2017). Technology related to the use of computer has not only solved the issues but also managed the activities in an effective manner. Computers are mandatory in the workplace so that activities can be completed easily. Electronic mail has changed the way of people to send messages to each other. With the help of communication networks and computers, individual send the messages to each other in a proper manner (Stoi?, 2014). Computers have made a great impact on the society. Computers are used in every place for instance in petrol pumps, hospitals and in offices. In the recent scenario, the organizations depend on the computers to conduct the activities in a proper manner. The computers not only make the routine task easy with a click but also make traveling to moon simple. It is analyzed that without computers it is difficult to survive and conduct the activities. The computers can be used in various ways. It is useful for the word processing programs to complete the homework and it is also useful to manage the information. The computer has made the process of communication easy (Walther et al., 2015). Just because of the computers the members of the society can easily communicate and exchange the information with each other through a telephone. In the present scenario, the application of computer is used in each and every sector of the society. It can also be stated that society is running on a computer and also on the computer application. In each and every sector the individuals use human activity to complete their activities (Drucker, 2017). Impact of a computer on society is on the positive side. A computer has given impact on commerce and it took it to the need to achieve success. Now a day's production process is also conducted with the help of computers. Robotic technology is used through computers and it is seen accuracy and proper utilization time can be maintained with the help of computers. Online messenger and also social media have made the process communication easy and it can be easy to give information to one another any time (Shostack, 2016). Also, the impact is seen in the environment of the computers. Each and every day there are many innovations that take place with the help of computers. The new innovation is done to safeguard the environment and the resources. The use of paper is reduced just because of Emails and E filling. There are various computers operated engines that are created so that pollution can be controlled and also by that the climate conditions can also be analyzed. One of the major impacts of computers is seen in the medical field. As now it is analyzed that there are many diseases that are cured just because of the latest computer technology. With the help of computers, it can be easy to monitor the heart rate, X-rays, and bypass surgery. Also, computers are used in the field of education and for training purpose. It is analyzed that in schools, the education-related computer is made compulsory so that knowledge can be enhanced in a proper way. Computers are considered as a learning tool for the children. There are many institutions who offer online degrees, which is beneficial for those who are living in the remote areas. Also, it is analyzed that online education is considered as the best source of learning. One can take the advantage of the online programs by staying at their own (Cairns Malloch, 2017). Computers are also beneficial for the training purpose. There are various organizations who take into consideration this technique so that employees can be trained in an effective manner. With the help of a computer, one can give training at low cost and in a more efficient way (Chao, 2014). Internet facility has also offered face to face communication from all over the world. The person who is living anywhere in the world can communicate with other very easily and in less time. It can be done through video conferencing (Shalom, Israeli, Markovitzky Lipsitz, 2015). A computer is techniques that help the individual in each and every sector. A computer is a gadget which is seen in every home and office as it is very useful in the recent scenario. The computer has changed the life of the entire society and also offered a convenient facility to conduct the day to day activities in a proper manner (Rouhshad, Wigglesworth Storch, 2016). It is analyzed that computer has brought a drastic change in the present environment. From time to time the technical achievement has made the use of the computer simple. It is seen that there are many applications that are developed and all the sectors of the professions are conducting their activities with the help of computers. On the continuous basis, the process of computerization is becoming one of the essential parts of the companies. It is proved that computers are necessary for every sector whether it is concerned with numeric or non-numeric processing in the countries which are developed. Computers are very important to conduct the activities in a managed form. Without the computers, it is no possible to conduct the activities smoothly. There are more positive impacts of the computer in the society. The people who are professionals like doctors, engineers and businessmen have gone through various changes in the lifestyle and working pattern when they started using computers. The activities are now conducted more smoothly and in less time. Earlier the time which is used to manage the paper is now utilized in a right place. Through this, the reliability and accuracy of the information are also maintained. Like it is seen that papers get lost with time but the information stored in the computer stays safe for a long time (Johnson, Lukaszewski Stone, 2017). So, this has brought a great change in the working pattern and now activities are conducted more smoothly if a comparison is made with the previous situations. Just because of the computer the individual take more competent decisions if a comparison is made with the previous situations. More competent information is taken by the individual as it is seen that all the information is stored in the computer in a proper way which helps them to make correct decisions (de Melo, Gratch Carnevale, 2015). Also, the information which is required can be gathered easily from the computer on time. So, it is seen that the individuals or the companies can achieve success very easily with the help of computers. The computer has also given impact on the dependence of the individuals on others. It is seen that the people who are working on the managerial level are now less dependent on the subordinates like clerks and accounts as it is seen that information can be easily gathered and accessibility of the information enhances just because of the computers. This helps to give a positive impact on the overall working pattern and efficiency of the people which will directly benefit the company and affect the society in a positive manner. Computers also give impact on the organizations that are able to expand in the market. Through computers, the business can easily analyze the expansion process and through that only it can be possible for them to conduct the activities smoothly. Also, it is analyzed that people can work from home in an emergency. Through computers, they can easily access the work and conduct the activities in a proper manner. For instance: When people are not well then they can take work from home and complete their activity by sitting anywhere. It can be beneficial for both organization and employee. Through computers, the activities are not stopped and employee can conduct it according to their own comfort (Turkle, 2017). In the routine life also the people can achieve benefits just because of the computers. It can be easy for the people to access the services easily. Like on airports, hospitals and banks are now computerized so it can be simple for the individuals to avail the services more easily just because of the computers. For instance: if a person visits and want to withdraw money then it can easy to avail service by withdrawing money from ATM. Computers have also generated new fields of employment. These employment fields are related to designing, manufacturing, and teaching. In these fields, a computer is used and it is very necessary so that activities can be conducted smoothly. There are also various harmful impacts of computers in the society. It is seen that if due to any reasons the information is lost from the computer then the person will face difficulty and also it can cause a serious problem as most of the information is stored in the computer only. The individuals do not take into consideration their minds for the arithmetic so it is seen that it results in loss of their numerical capability. Also, in the recent scenario if the individual is not having the knowledge of the computer then they are known as backward people and in society, they have to face difficult to conduct the activities in a proper manner. It is analyzed that people think that due to the dependency of the children the children on a computer it can give a negative outcome in future. As it will make the children rely more on computers and it can create problem to understand the work. So, the computer also gives negative impact on the on the growing capability of the children as they will be more dependent on a computer to complete their activities or work (Lauricella, Wartella Rideout, 2015). Computers also reduce the overall workload of the people. The work is conducted more easily and less time with the help of computers. Many times the organizations have to suspend the employees who are conducting their routine activities as the requirement is less just because of the computers. It is evaluated that computers simplify the work of the individual and also save time. So, if one task has to be completed by two people then computer reduce the workload of the people. So, when the organizations suspend the employees then dissatisfaction level and job security are affected that affect the level of motivation of the employee. Just due to this reason the cooperation's of the employee is reduced that affect the overall productivity of the organization. When employees do not cooperate with the management then it is seen that negative outcome is achieved. So computers also give negative impact on the overall productivity level of the employees. Also, it is seen that huge amount is spent on training the employees. If the introduction of new technology is introduced then the negative impact is analyzed on the total profit of the company as the major portion is spent on training the employees. Training is given to the employees so that they can conduct the activities in a proper manner (Brotchie, Hall, Newton Nijkamp, 2017). The negative impact that is analyzed is that it is easy to access the computer and it has given major negative impact on the society. One of the major negative impacts is that computer has affected the closeness of the family. When every member of the family spend more time on the computer it is seen that communication breaks between them and also the activities related to society are reduced. The people are so much involved on their computer or work that they forget their family life. Most of the people spend half of their time on computers. It is sometimes a sign of addiction also and it creates a feeling of frustration in an individual. It is seen that there are many signs that area analyzed when the people are too much involved in computers like they do not interact with the people, they are mostly irritated and feel bad. So, it is analyzed that computers are essential in the present scenario. Without computers, it cannot be possible to conduct the activities smoothly. Computers are beneficial in each and every sector as it is seen that in the digitalization world it is important to focus on the latest technologies so that goals and objectives can be achieved. In this paper, it is also analyzed that how computers are beneficial to give training to the people (Van Deursen Van Dijk, 2014). To conduct the activities on a regular basis the computer help to complete the task on time and also with less time. It is also analyzed that when computers are taken into consideration by the companies then it can be easy to simplify the work and the complex activities are converted into an easy one. So, computers have brought a drastic change and the activities of the society have been changed just because of the computers. Also, the negative impact is analyzed in this paper of the computers. So to minimize the negative impact it is important to conduct the activities in a managed form so that personal life can also be maintained. In the recent scenario, computers are seen at each and every place and it is useful in every sector. Like in hospitals, banks and in schools the process has been made easy by taking into consideration the use of computers. So it can be stated that computers are boon to the entire mankind and to the society. 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